How To Stage A Home While You're Still Living In It

Posted on: 25 April 2016

As you prepare yourself to put your house on the market, you've likely had a conversation with your real estate agent about how to handle showings. You're probably aware that a house that shows poorly is far less likely to sell quickly, and that in order to prevent your house from showing poorly you'll need to do some staging. What you may not know, however, is that there are some handy hacks to use for staging your house while you're still living there.

Ban Clutter

Staying organized while you're showing your house is absolutely necessary. Not only do you need to do away with piles of mail and clean out your closets, but you'll need to be able to quickly put away your knickknacks, family pictures, and identifying items. Sometimes you may not get much notice for showings, so you'll have to be ready at any moment. If packing and storing your personal items isn't an option for you, you'll need to figure out some clever clutter hiding hacks. Just don't try to shove clutter in drawers, dishwashers, ovens, pantries, or closets, as many buyers check all those places looking at the home's storage space.

Less is More

Many people favor big, comfy furniture when deciding on pieces for their own homes. They fail to consider, though, how small their huge beds, sofas and tables make their house look. The truth of the matter is that come moving day you're not going to want to move all that furniture anyway, so now is a great time to downsize. Look for pieces that coordinate, make the best use of the available space, and you'll entice buyers by showing them the maximum amount of square footage.

Consider a Trendy Paint Job

Interior design trends are always changing. No one style is going to appeal to everyone, but something as simple as a new coat of paint in a hip color or pattern will help your house stand out in buyers' minds. A well executed paint job in this year's trendy colors can be a bold move, but it could pay off.

Staging a home while you're still occupying it can be intimidating, and it can feel like living on the edge, but with a little preparation and discipline you can totally pull it off. Grab some curtains, boxes, and some new paint and you're nearly there! Are you ready to get started? To learn more, speak with a realtor like those represented at
