• Why You Always Need Your Own Agent When Buying New Construction

    It can be easy to assume that you do not need a buyer's agent when buying a new construction home. When you walk through the models, there is always a helpful person or two available to answer your questions and the builder seems friendly enough. Here's why you always need to work with a new construction home Realtor, however.  Negotiate Buying from a builder, especially after walking through beautiful model homes, can be exciting. [Read More]

  • 3 Reasons You Should Hire A Real Estate Agent When Selling Your Home Despite It Being A Seller's Market

    It is no secret that in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the real estate market has definitely turned in favor of the seller. With homes flying off the market oftentimes in just a matter of days, many homeowners are questioning whether or not they even should hire a real estate agent to help them sell their home or if they are able to complete this task on their own. However, while the current market conditions may favor the seller, the fact remains that hiring a real estate agent is still the best route to take when looking to sell your home. [Read More]

  • Ways to Sell a House

    If your main goal is to sell your house, you might wonder about what your different options are. You can sell a house in many ways, but the primary objective is to find someone who wants to buy it, but how do you find a buyer? Here are some of the methods you can use to find a buyer for your house when you want to sell it. Sell It Yourself [Read More]

  • 3 Reasons To Get A Loan Before Shopping For A House

    Contacting a mortgage broker is a great way to get preapproved for a mortgage loan when you want to buy a house. While you do not need the loan until you find the house you want to buy, it is best to get preapproved before shopping for a house. Here are three reasons to get your preapproval before you begin shopping for the right home to purchase. 1. To Ensure that You Can Get a Loan [Read More]