Why You Always Need Your Own Agent When Buying New Construction

Posted on: 20 December 2021

It can be easy to assume that you do not need a buyer's agent when buying a new construction home. When you walk through the models, there is always a helpful person or two available to answer your questions and the builder seems friendly enough. Here's why you always need to work with a new construction home Realtor, however. 


Buying from a builder, especially after walking through beautiful model homes, can be exciting. While it may be tempting to simply sign on the bottom line, don't. Hire a new construction home real estate agent to work with you before you even head out to see the models. Your agent may be able to negotiate a better deal on the price of the new home you want because they are knowledgeable about home prices and sales in the local area.

Many home buyers assume that the price listed in the brochures is firm, but everything is negotiable. In fact, if the builder won't budge on the overall price, they may be willing to negotiate on things like lot premium, upgrades, and even landscaping packages. New construction home real estate agents are experts at negotiating the best deals with builders.


When you decide to work with a buyer's agent, you are essentially hiring a new construction home real estate agent to represent your interests in a business transaction. If you choose to work with the staff on hand at the model home location, you are working with people that are either employees of the builder or real estate agents that are under contract with the builder. In other words, their job is to look out for the best interests of the builder, not you. 

While not having representation may not seem important initially, it can be disastrous. There is no one to ensure that the builder is abiding by details in the contract. If something goes wrong, you need an experienced professional in your corner ready to fight for you.


Working with a buyer's agent is always free. No matter what state you live in, the seller -- in this case, the builder -- pays the commission on the buyer's side of the deal. In other words, the builder pays your agent's commission. If you were not working with a new construction home real estate agent, the builder would just keep that extra money as part of their profit. 

Working with your own agent when buying a new construction home is important so that you get the best deal and full representation in the transaction.

Contact a local new construction home Realtor to learn more.
