Moving Out Of Your Parent's House With A Cat? Make Sure To Find The Right Apartment Features

Posted on: 5 July 2016

Whether you have just graduated high school, college, or are still going to school, you may have enough money saved up and a reliable job that can help you move out on your own. With your first apartment, you really do not need more than somewhere you can sleep, cook, and feel safe at night. But, when you are bringing your cat along, you have to consider what they need in a place to be happy and healthy.

Spraying Cats Prevention

One issue that could happen is your cat starting to mark their territory by spraying. Apartment units located on the ground level and that have an outside entrance are prone to having this problem. While you can take several measures to prevent this from happening, you are better off avoiding it altogether. Finding an apartment complex with an inside entrance and picking a unit on an upper floor is ideal. This will minimize the chance of outdoor cats peeing at the front door and making your cat feel threatened.

Accessible Windows

Cats that spend their time outdoors have a lot of things that keep them entertained. It is easy for them to watch birds, insects, lizards, and people while lounging around in the grass or from the safety of a tree. Inside an apartment, the only way they are going to get this view is if you have windows or glass doors. It is best to look for units that have several windows with entertaining viewpoints. Some ways that your cat can enjoy gazing out the window include from a windowsill, cat tree, or a perch mounted to the wall. So, along with finding an apartment with a view, you want to be able to use one of these methods.

Window Screens

Just as any responsible cat owner should make sure their cat has what they need in their home, you also want features that will prevent them from getting injured. Window screens are important because they prevent your cat from being able to jump out the window when you have it open. It is ideal to find a unit that has these screens installed over asking to install them after you have already moved into a place. If the installation is easy, you can switch the screen material to one that is resistant to cat scratching.

Moving out for the first time is a little challenging when adding a cat to the mix, but following these tips will help you find an apartment that you and your cat can fully enjoy.

For homes for rent, contact a company such as ABA Rental Properties Inc
